GSLS Achieves Investors in Diversity Silver Award: Building on Success
Following our 2023 Investors in Diversity Bronze Award from the Irish Centre for Diversity, the GSLS team is delighted to have recently been awarded our Investors in Diversity Silver Award.
To achieve Silver, we built on the efforts of the Bronze Award, which included a programme of diversity, inclusion and equality based courses and talks for all staff on topics such as Inclusive Language, LGBTQ+, Cultural Awareness, and Unconscious Bias.
What The Silver Award Accreditation Involved?
The Silver Award process gave the GSLS team a chance to offer feedback to the organisation on D&I processes and policies to date through a survey provided by The Irish Centre for Diversity.
The survey results helped us benchmark our efforts against other organisations nationally. It also enabled us to understand the GSLS team’s lived experience and how we can continue to embed D&I policies and programmes that help make GSLS an inclusive place to work.
How GSLS Are Assessed?
Throughout the Investors in the Diversity process, and within the survey our D&I maturity is assessed via 5 key pillars:

These pillars and benchmarking systems help us establish clear metrics and implement regular reviews, meaning we can accurately track progress and continue evolving as an inclusive organisation.
How We Use the Survey Findings?
The findings are used to create a comprehensive action plan in collaboration with the Irish Centre for Diversity, aimed at the continued enhancement of the D&I processes already in place, and developing new processes/initiatives if beneficial to the wider team.
The survey also provides management with valuable insights into how employees feel about inclusivity within GSLS, allowing leadership to understand where staff feel supported and identify areas where further improvements can be made.
Continuing the Journey
While achieving the Silver Award is a fantastic accomplishment, it’s not the end of the journey for GSLS. Our next step will be to work towards the Gold Award, ensuring that D&I remains at the heart of our business practices and is a part of the DNA here at GSLS.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey, and the whole organisation for embracing our D&I practices. We are incredibly proud of this achievement and grateful for the contributions of our entire team.